Are you still running legacy servers and/or storage as you’re fearful of making the change?  Is the provider of your legacy software out of business or have they dropped support for you product?  We’re here to help you overcome those fears and turn a problem into an asset.  Resistance to change and fear of the unknown are part of the human condition; however, as we all come to know, growth rarely occurs without change.

Are you struggling to manage the older technology in your data center?   Maybe you’ve considered a move to something more efficient and less expensive, but the thought of migrating to modern technology is overwhelming or could lead to potential work disruptions.  This is understandable.  But now more than ever, the benefits and relative ease of upgrading to newer technology can have positive results for your team.

Modernizing from older systems to a newer modular and more efficient infrastructure has many benefits, such as:

  • TCO reduction results: From lowered acquisition and operations costs.
  • Administrative efficiencies:  From reduced hardware requirements, minimized overhead, and efficient and comprehensive tools.
  • Modernization: Results in longer protection of your investment, greater flexibility with third party innovations for Linux/Windows platforms, and less exposure to expensive proprietary technologies.

While migrations can be a challenge, we at ISM have streamlined the process with a proven structured approach—backed by our 18 years experience of providing assessment, execution and program management resources to thousands of successful migration customers.  Our skilled team will help you get it done by:

  • Up-front planning, risk mitigation and time & cost requirements before you make a decision
  • Migration tools, backed by experience, migration services, and best practices
  • Migration and infrastructure services that cover applications, servers, storage, virtualization, and networking

Do these services sound like something you need?  Get full details about migrating to updated technology, including technical/business white papers, case studies, and TCO calculators for migrations from your older technology to newer updated technology allowing you to provide your users with the forward progress they need!

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