Author Archives: Paul Perdue

At ISM, the safety and security of our employees, customers and local communities is our utmost priority and our thoughts and prayers are with those impacted by the Coronavirus.  As of today we have no employees or family infected with
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Good synopsis here from Dennis Crouch on the You Own Devices Act which will empower you as the owner of your system to get value for the investment in the system software when you go to sell to us. 
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Big Data has been the buzz word in play for some time and IBM is hopping on this trend as shops try to get a handle on how to handle “Big Data” in their operation.  IBM has announced their new
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Interesting news here out of IBM.  They have licensed a Chinese manufacturer to be able to make their own version of the forthcoming IBM Power8 Chip.  Very interesting development for the market and it’ll be interesting to see how this
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Not sure we are either, but Gartner has an interesting view that organizations can put the right practices in place today to build a data center to meet business needs indefinitely.  Some food for thought here from Gartner: With the
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Gothenburg, Sweden – October 1, 2013: According to a new research report from the analyst firm Berg Insight, the global number of mobile network connections used for wireless machine-to-machine (M2M) communication will increase by 22 percent in 2013 to reach
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